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Better Care for Your Patient with our Trouble- Free Hospital Management Software

Our MedeilPlus Cloud – hospital management software engages in more meaningful conversations every day, across every channel, with every patient.

hospital management software

Hospital Management Software -, Most Effective and Complete with the fastest time-to-value

Reimagine more meaningful conversations and win more loyal patients. Launch patient-centric care to improve the quality of health in just a few months!

Most Effective Cloud Hospital Management Software

We understand the challenges you are facing in your hospital

cloud hospital management software


We exist to help medical doctors & Hospital CEOs to manage entire hospital operations, process & employees

cloud hospital management software

Patient Centric

Each & every process enhance the lives of the patients & manage the business with care and quality services.

cloud hospital management software

Continuum of Care

Connect all your locations right from Hospitals, clinics, physician offices, satellite clinics even Patient engagement


Practice management

Send an accurate & error-free prescription with our Cloud Hospital Management Software

  • Generate electronic prescriptions based on medicine availabilities.
  • We help you to generate prescriptions based on brands and generic molecules
  • Avoid prescription medication errors based on medical knowledgebase
  • Both printable and convertible and easy for pharmacists to dispense medication at the pharmacy

Avoid Medication Errors

More than 11% of Patients Experiencing a Medication Error - WHO

  • Medication errors that cause harm are called preventable adverse drug effect
  • Lots & Lots of brand’s availabilities with highly competitive environment is challenging         to Medical Practitioner
  • Inbuilt Medical knowledge with deep learning tool will help take right decision making of patient care
  • Drug detailed specification analysis help doctors for selecting right medication for Disease profiling and its treatment
cloud hospital management software user Module

Hospital Bed Management

  • Record all the data regarding the total number of Department, buildings, floors, wards, Rooms, and finally beds available in the hospital,
  • Overall total beds occupied, vacant positions and scheduled position in next 24 hours
  • Help in constant monitoring of patient admissions, discharges, and patient flow within a hospital
  • In Hospital point of admission to the point of discharge while maintaining the quality care based on the overall period

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