Vanuston focus on supply chain process enhancement for customer-centricity, expected maintenance, complete automation start from manufacturer till customer end fully managed by single cloud application and finally visibility can happen anywhere, any time and even any device its possible. our solution enables businesses to meet customer demand and boost ROI & profitability.
Our SCM Software addressing the demand from managing the raw material companies, and entire manufacturing process, digital distribution systems, retailing selling both online and offline to reach end customers
both forward logistics & reverse supply chain management required as per online store and customer satisfaction is high priority on each and every companies growth
Our cloud based SCM software manage entire process of supply chain management ソフトウェアソリューションは、最も効率的な方法でサプライチェーンアクティビティを管理・追跡するのに役立ちます。主に、ベンダーとの関係、顧客との関係、輸送や出荷の価格変更、資格を持った専門家、デジタル化の欠如、変化の激しい市場、プロセス間の予期せぬ遅延などです。
Todays demand on higher patient experience is important on quality ヘルスケア services, fast recovering processing, and most cost effective services, as a healthcare professionals need automation in each and everyday tasks, improve efficiency, simplify the process and ensure optimization while enhancing the overall best patient experience.
Vanuston products Medeilplus (Downloadable software) or Medeilplus Cloud (SaaS) which is suitable for any type of hospitals, Polyclinics, Nursing homes from small to multi-chain hospitals
Medeilplus cloud is more suitable chain of hospitals and clinics to manage entire hospitals in the single cloud saas application start from EHR, Booking management, lab management, prescription generation, medication decision support system as a add-on features, disease management and public health management (クロマチック), nursing station management, even inventory not only pharmacy, assets, medical devices, diagnostic materials, intensive unit management, patient management & engagement platform, medical billing, managing entire multi-chain hospital in the single cloud app