The same can be said for medical device supply chains, which have been stretched thin as a result of the pandemic. It has unearthed a slew of shortcomings in the supply chain procedures we use, and given us opportunities to strategize for major improvements to be made for a better future state. Almost immediately, manufacturers started experiencing a high demand for equipment and supplies, major disruptions to raw materials and parts supply, and labour shortages is inventory or stock supply shock
Medical device companies to tight regulations & compliance and GCP practice – (good manufacturing practices) that govern everything, including customer and vendor management, Procurement, goods receive, storing, testing, shipping, and labelling. These processes, as well as many others, must be compliant from start to finish.Bedrijven in medische hulpmiddelen moeten voldoen aan strenge voorschriften en GCP-praktijken (Good Manufacturing Practices) die alles regelen, inclusief klanten- en leveranciersbeheer, inkoop, goederenontvangst, opslag, testen, verzending en etikettering. Deze en vele andere processen moeten van begin tot eind in overeenstemming zijn met de voorschriften.